Good news for troubled times /

Brunt, John C.

Good news for troubled times / John C. Brunt - United States of American : Review & Herald Pub. Association, 1994. - 160 p. ; 11 x 18 cm.

1. Is there a plan? -- 2. More than a good book -- 3. A new look at an old word -- 4. How to get rid or guilt -- 5. Can I be a better person? -- 6. Bang, whimper, or what? -- 7. Interpreting the sings -- 8. Accountable! Your turn in the spotlight -- 9. When thoughts about death trouble you -- 10. Who are we? -- 11. More than a naked ape. -- 12. Is the family obsolete? -- 13. God's answer to the problem of stress -- 14. The difference a day makes -- Why should I join a church? -- 15. Baptism - A symbol of belonging -- 16. What does god expect of me? -- 17. Why we are seventh-day adventist crhistians



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